Thank you for your interest in a career with Oregon Patrol Service!
Oregon Patrol Service Human Resources Department is an industry leader when it comes to attracting, selecting, and retaining top-quality officers. We have to be – our commitment to the clients we serve demands it.
At Oregon Patrol Service we believe the foundation of our business is the Patrol Officer. Each day they are on-site, ensuring premises security, responding to intrusion alarms, encountering unwanted individuals at your place of business. We prioritize making sure our officers are of the highest quality and that they are available for you. While it is not simply a matter of higher pay, we do recognize that compensation must reflect our desire to retain individuals so that we may continue to provide our clients with patrol officers with the experience and site-familiarity that maximizes effective service. We will pay for top talent. But that’s not all. We will continue to out-pace the competition by offering unique non-monetary benefits as well. Additional training that exceeds state requirements and a well-defined rank structure all send the right message: We want great people to develop a career with us!
Our selection process will consist of:
Application for Employment (must be at least 21 years of age)
Statement of Personal History
Multiple Interviews (minimum of 2)
Employment Verification
Drug Screening
Background Investigation
Motor Vehicle Record
Proof of eligibility to work in the United States
Our employment process will take time. However, it is in everyone’s best interest that we be thorough.
Clients will receive world-class service from the industry’s best officers.
Oregon Patrol Service will avoid the pitfalls, hard and soft costs of employee turnover and its impact on client service.
As an employee, you will have the confidence that those hired both before and after you will be high-caliber individuals who will watch your back when necessary.
Start your career with us today! Click here to fill our our Online Application