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Our Services framework was created with one goal in mind: give each client the ability to help shape the right security strategy. The right strategy is the one that works to protect both assets and the budget. With the ability to customize service platforms to your specifications, you won’t feel like you’re in a one-size-fits-all plan. You’ve heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. In the fight to deter crime, nothing is more true. Deterrence is the key to loss reduction/elimination, however, enforcement and response may be implemented dependent on each client’s needs. Each service platform we offer and the tools we use to help achieve a secure presence will give you the edge in the fight and allow you to do what you need to do, while we do what we do best…provide security solutions for your peace of mind.

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Dedicated Patrol – This service provides dedicated (on-site) service during the specified time requested. While this is a more costly option, it can be exactly what is needed to stave off prospective threats or in response to unusually heavy criminal activity at your property. Many security providers will assign newer, less qualified officers with very little training to a site post position. Oregon Patrol Service provides exactly the same caliber officer in a dedicated patrol capacity as in a strategic random patrol capacity. Why? Because we only have one standard when it comes to the qualifications of personnel we’ll hire and patrol officers must be cross-trained, capable and effective in all areas of service. Most clients will smoothly transition from a period of Dedicated Patrol services to Strategic Random Patrol services after threats are successfully mitigated.

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