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OPS Armory

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Patrol fleet vehicles consist of the Ford Crown Victoria P71 Police Interceptor. This vehicle is exceptionally well-suited for the nature of patrol work. Vehicles are equipped with the necessary tools to effectively perform our patrol functions. Light bars are standard on most vehicles providing a useful light source for safety as well as a visual deterrent to those with criminal intent. Cars are highly marked further reinforcing a professional image and the “command presence” our clients require. Push bumpers, rear traffic advisor lights, and spotlights are part of the equipment package. PA Systems are used to give direction from the safety of the vehicle. We utilize scanning equipment for law enforcement and CB radio frequencies as well. This enables officers requesting emergency back-up from a police agency to know when the call has been dispatched. As a precautionary measure in the event of equipment failure, each patrol vehicle has a dedicated cell phone, ensuring seamless two-way communication. First-Aid kits, tool kits, and 900amp Jump starters are all standard equipment.

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